Reflections on 2022+ 2023 and what I've learnt.

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2024

How is the start of the year going for you? I have to say that mine has started off really well and I have huge amounts of gratitude for all the magic that has already happened in the first two weeks of 2024. 

There has been a lot of reflection on what 2023 was for me. It would have to be the year that I used my own offerings for myself and made huge headway in my biz and personal life. 

The offering that I am talking about is my Empowered Woman Meditations. There is something healing about channeling through a meditation script from my guides that has then supported and has been a huge part of my healing. To be honest 2022 was huge for the emotional work that I did and 2023 was about seeing the results of that. I have found a pattern with the even years I retreat and go within and have huge opportunities for self-development and growth and the odd numbers are the years for action. The even years are my feminine energy and the odd years I am in my masculine...

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When are emotions appropriate?

Uncategorized May 22, 2023


Suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.:

During meditation and yoga this morning I started to think about why we are not allowed to show emotions at school or work?

It would definitely be seen as unprofessional in any workplace to display any kind of emotion. It makes me think this is a reason that we are so disconnected to ourselves and can often lack empathy for others because we are told so many times that we aren’t allowed to display emotion. Is it why we have so many mental health issues because we aren’t allowed to express emotion? Is it why the narcissistic ones get promoted to jobs in management because they can take a cold hard approach to doing business and managing people and not understand emotion?

I think about the community service workers that are the first responders to a horrific car crash, or a social worker that has just had to remove kids from their family to put them in a foster home or a nurse that just...

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When was the last time you asked for help?

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2023

Women’s strength doesn’t have to come from doing everything themselves. 

How often do we just put our heads down and bums up and just keep doing the thing that we know needs to get done. Sometimes it feels like it won’t be done as well if we ask someone else to do a task or it will take just as long explaining to someone else how it is done that you may as well just do it yourself. 

How often do you find yourself doing this?

I know how exhausting this all can be. I know how resentful we can become when we are holding on so tightly to this version of ourselves that wants to do a good job, be a good girl or a good wife and mum that we just do all the things. 

Why can’t other people just know what to do and just do it?

What if we just loosen the grip on the reins a bit and allow others to help us. What if people helping us doesn’t have to look perfect as long as the job gets done?

What if you allowed other people to just do it. 


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What is your communication costing you?

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2022

I am feeling that this full moon is very much about speaking up about your needs and wants without getting too heady about how it is going to be received.

I have said to many of my clients and even coached myself to acknowledge that we don’t speak up to intentionally hurt other people so we show up with love for ourselves and respect for the other person. It can only be received in that way. If it’s met with resistance, anger and blame then that is a whole other ball game and could potentially make you feel unsafe to express your needs and wants. It takes discernment to know what your next steps to take are with your relationship with that person. 

I heard someone quote “The lack of communication leaves room for imagination.” I thought that this explains what happens in relationships. When we don’t communicate with each other there is a lot of room for overthinking rather than having a conversation with your partner to find out what they are...

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A day in the life of an empath

I feel like I want to write about being an empath, in particular a day in the life of an empath. Sometimes when I need some inspiration about what I want to write about I have a few tools that I can tap into to find out where my emotions are. Today my emotions are feeling disappointment and feeling like a victim. It didn’t really resonate with me. When this happens I muscle test to see if this is mine or if it is someone else's and today it was someone else's. 

As empaths and if you are one you would resonate with this deeply is that you can absorb other people’s emotions and they feel like your own. It’s why it is so important to do our own work on the daily and to check in with where we are at. 

In no way is it our responsibility to take this on. By us absorbing it and taking it on just means that now two people are feeling the same low vibe emotions that are dragging us both down. Holding onto these emotions are only going to help the other person if...

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Choose your joy

It’s not until you are forced to stop that you realise that you really need time out to just be. I know that life requires a balance of doing and being. If I am too much in the ‘doing’ then I get burnt out and my body says nope that’s enough and I will feel really tired and lethargic or I will get sick. If I am too much in the ‘being’ then I tend to get stuck and complacent and triggered because I don’t like being stuck in procrastination. 

I love that when you get to just be and you’re in stillness that it allows your nervous system to really slow and calm down. It’s nice to have that beautiful energy flow that’s not in fight or flight. We can often head into fight or flight when we haven’t processed our emotions. We either want to fight our emotions and suppress them or run away from them and not process or feel them. Yet in the ‘being’ it’s an opportunity for reflection, awareness, growth,...

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What's closing your heart to love?

I woke up feeling odd. Feeling suppressed. It felt like a memory that I’d held on to. 

It was a feeling of not being able to truly express my self or my emotions. I could feel it weighing down my heart. This heaviness like a a cage around my heart that kept the joy locked in there. 

Thinking about it makes me teary. I knew exactly where this stemmed from. It was from someone that couldn’t stand hearing me laugh. This is unfathomable to me. Isn’t joyful laughter contagious? Not to this person. It triggers the fuck out of them. Why? Because they hadn’t done their own healing... did it have anything to do with me? In that moment, not in the slightest. Did it affect me? Absolutely! Am I now learning from it? 100%

There were times that I was really sad and I wanted to shift my energy and laugh. Yet was then suppressed by this person being triggered by the sound of my laughter and was often told to be quiet and that I was being disrespectful. Looking back...

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Sometimes love just isn't enough

I have been learning a lot over the eclipse season about relationships and masculine and feminine energy. It has been such a deep dive into knowing myself, my value, how I have shown up in my relationships in the past, how I see myself and what I want in a relationship and how I will show up differently in my next relationship, what it means to be safe, supported and loved in a relationship. It has been huge and I am so grateful for it and the teachers that have shown up that have beautifully held space for me and brought me healing and awareness in a safe and nurturing space. It has helped me to heal and open my heart. 

Over the weekend in the space of 24 hours I had conversations with four other women including myself that had either experienced or were experiencing the same thing. So if this is what is happening for all of us I felt that it needed to be written about.

The women I work with and my friends are all women that are ‘doing the work’. What does doing...

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Your emotions are your guide

Uncategorized May 30, 2022

It can be frustrating when you know that something is holding you back and you just don’t know what. I can guarantee you that it will be an unconscious belief that is running in the background and there are some emotions that you haven’t been quite brave enough to look at because that shit hurts right?

I know that it can take some poking, prodding and probing before the emotions will come to the surface. Otherwise you will keep coasting along until out of the blue you will be triggered and the dam wall will break and you will be flooded with emotions. Another thing that will happen is if you don’t acknowledge your emotions or have a look at the limiting beliefs that are running in the background you will project them out into the world and it will show up in your external world. 

I promise you that you don’t want to be living in this space. You create what you think and feel. That is the key to changing your life. I often have people tell me after a...

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You are worth it.

Uncategorized May 18, 2022

Ohhh wow…! Who is coping with the energies of the full moon and the eclipse right now. I labelled May Magic may and it has been nothing short of magical. While there has been some deep excavation of emotions and beliefs which has been hard work and I feel like my body is still trying to catch up. This is what I call integration. We need to give ourselves the time and space to just be and not focus on anything or be in the masculine energy of doing. We just need to be until we get the call from our energy to start putting the wheels in motion again. 

It’s why I love working with the seasons. I feel that my Winter week in my personal cycle is the time that I slow down, meditate more, do my healing work and go within to find out what’s really going on for me after a busy few weeks. This winter week has been more powerful than any other because of the full moon energy and eclipse energy. There are big healing energies right now helping us to leave old identities...

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