Make it Happen

This year has been full of changes and waiting. Lots of waiting and practicing the art of patience and faith that everything is always working out. Change happens just before a big expansion. When you have big goals and dreams there are going to be times that we go through big changes and it might feel like nothing is going right. Things are just shifting in your world to create space for your big life upgrades.

There will be times when everything comes to a screaming halt and all you have to do is sit and wait and integrate.

I have been quite proud of myself this year. I have been in these waiting periods before and I have not been so graceful. I have thrown tantrums and swore at the universe and cried and yelled (in my head) what the fuck do you want from me.

I was ready to write a blog and I still will, but it was going to be about when I took another courageous leap and left a toxic relationship to move interstate to help my mum care for my Dad who had dementia while dodging...

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A day in the life of an empath

I feel like I want to write about being an empath, in particular a day in the life of an empath. Sometimes when I need some inspiration about what I want to write about I have a few tools that I can tap into to find out where my emotions are. Today my emotions are feeling disappointment and feeling like a victim. It didn’t really resonate with me. When this happens I muscle test to see if this is mine or if it is someone else's and today it was someone else's. 

As empaths and if you are one you would resonate with this deeply is that you can absorb other people’s emotions and they feel like your own. It’s why it is so important to do our own work on the daily and to check in with where we are at. 

In no way is it our responsibility to take this on. By us absorbing it and taking it on just means that now two people are feeling the same low vibe emotions that are dragging us both down. Holding onto these emotions are only going to help the other person if...

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Do you have a sisterhood?

It’s so nice to start writing again. I have a new way of connecting with what it is that would be healing for you to hear today and I absolutely love it. 

It has been coming up in my awareness about friendships a lot lately. I have heard people talk about their friendships, I have seen people end friendships, it has come up in chats with my guides and teaching girls about what it means to be a good friend. I have seen women discount a friendship because they don’t have similar interests. I find this really sad because you are missing out on what could be a beautiful friendship. 

I know that we have a lot of sisterhood wounds we are holding within us where we have been treated poorly and have had our hearts broken by friends. Especially in a time like now when it feels that we are divided in our views, perceptions and beliefs. If you bring love to any situation you don’t have to have the same views, perceptions and beliefs you can still love your friends...

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Now is the time to remember your powerā€¦


In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world it’s really time to dig deep and look within on how we are feeling. What we are feeling in our mind, heart and soul is how we are project ourselves out into the world. If your inner world feels like it is in turmoil then our outside world can look like chaos. 

Take a moment now to close your eyes and check in with how you are feeling. How does your body feel? What emotions come up?

When I did this yesterday I asked myself how I was feeling and I burst into tears because I had been hanging onto a lot of emotion. 

We can either keep going on auto and not giving our emotions any attention as they build up inside you, while your emotions cause havoc and create feelings of anxiety or we can do the work and feel the emotions, acknowledge them, practice understanding them so you can better understand yourself when they come back up again. 

In acknowledging and feeling your emotions is where you remember you have...

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Are you letting fear control you...?

The last full moon was definitely a cracker..! Being an empath and sensitive soul I feel the moon changes deeply. My body, mind and soul move with the moons. I am also a Scorpio as was the full moon. I am no stranger to feeling the deep and intense life changing emotions so I felt like this full moon was nothing new to me. Not to take away the fact that it was a highly emotional time looking at old beliefs and patterns that I was ready to be clear of…! I think I have got to a point where I am ok with releasing those deep emotions. It’s a part of who I am and it’s a part of my healing.

When we are going through a transformation and changes our fear thoughts are dialled up high in an attempt for our egos to keep us safe. Quite ironic when one of the messages for me over that week leading up to the full moon to stop playing small and safe. Stop dulling your sparkle just to fit in and make it comfortable for everyone else. I wasn’t doing myself any favours and I...

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