Now is the time to remember your powerā€¦


In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world it’s really time to dig deep and look within on how we are feeling. What we are feeling in our mind, heart and soul is how we are project ourselves out into the world. If your inner world feels like it is in turmoil then our outside world can look like chaos. 

Take a moment now to close your eyes and check in with how you are feeling. How does your body feel? What emotions come up?

When I did this yesterday I asked myself how I was feeling and I burst into tears because I had been hanging onto a lot of emotion. 

We can either keep going on auto and not giving our emotions any attention as they build up inside you, while your emotions cause havoc and create feelings of anxiety or we can do the work and feel the emotions, acknowledge them, practice understanding them so you can better understand yourself when they come back up again. 

In acknowledging and feeling your emotions is where you remember you have...

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