Now is the time to remember your power…


In a time of chaos and uncertainty in our world it’s really time to dig deep and look within on how we are feeling. What we are feeling in our mind, heart and soul is how we are project ourselves out into the world. If your inner world feels like it is in turmoil then our outside world can look like chaos. 

Take a moment now to close your eyes and check in with how you are feeling. How does your body feel? What emotions come up?

When I did this yesterday I asked myself how I was feeling and I burst into tears because I had been hanging onto a lot of emotion. 

We can either keep going on auto and not giving our emotions any attention as they build up inside you, while your emotions cause havoc and create feelings of anxiety or we can do the work and feel the emotions, acknowledge them, practice understanding them so you can better understand yourself when they come back up again. 

In acknowledging and feeling your emotions is where you remember you have the power to heal. 

When we don’t acknowledge our emotions which are generally stored in your lower chakras it creates a situation where you are stuck in your thoughts and ego. No one can make any rational decisions if they are highly emotional or are in fear.

I shared a post recently (you can see it here) about your power to choose and you have a choice as to whether you lean into love or you lean into fear.

So how can you lean into love over fear? Well a change in perspective is called a miracle. Checking in with yourself, journaling and seeing if there is a way to look at your situation in a different way. Asking your guides and angels to show you a different way, ask them to open your mind and heart to a new solution, surrender to what that may be, if you don’t have enough information then ask that it makes its way into your life. 

I know for me and my journey and as I talked to a friend last night about it, I would be so lost and things would feel A LOT harder if I didn’t connect with  my intuition and the guidance they have for me which is ALWAYS given to me with my best interests at heart and through unconditional love. I know that when I choose to listen to my intuition and then completely trust and follow it then amazing things happen and I am always protected and things flow and it feels easy, even amidst the chaos. Also when I honour my intuition by following it, it has a flow on affect to my friends and family and anyone around me.

On the flip side of that, when there are people that are so disconnected from source, their feelings and intuition in which power can play out in a different way.  They are coming from a place of I not us. This is why when we think of power and the type of power we see in our world we think of powerful people taking advantage of others and their values are steeped in greed and control. This is because they are caught up in their thoughts and ego and what’s in it for them. This is the narcissistic end of another spectrum with the other end being empathic.

I was thinking about how with every personality trait or people’s values we can sit on a spectrum as to how we display these traits or values in our lives. Just as an example with kindness on one end of the spectrum you can practice kindness to the point that you lose yourself and you become depleted of energy. While you are practicing kindness and giving all of you away it may have a positive affect on others but having a serious negative impact on yourself. On the other end of the spectrum if you are practicing kindness to others on your own terms and with strong boundaries on what you can and can’t provide based on your own needs then it can fill you with lots of joy and can fill up your emotional cup. 

In every moment you have the power to choose to:

  • stay stuck in your emotions and allow that to play out in your outer world or feel them and heal them
  • Stay disconnected and numb or develop your intuition and allow it to guide you and your choices to make your life move forward with ease and flow
  • consume information that keeps you in fear or information that empowers you and your loved ones around you
  • Use your words to hurt, put down others and try to be right all the time or use your words to inspire, empower and encourage others
  • Allow others to drain your energy so that you feel depleted or you can put in boundaries around your time and energy and show up in a way that keeps you feeling energised. 

So how will you take your power back this week? 

How will you choose to feel empowered and have that beautiful energy and flow of effect to those around you?

How will you choose to look at things in a different way that creates miracles in your life?

Just remember who you are and that you’re here to make the most of life and choose joy and happiness in each moment. Remember that you are powerful in a positive way and that you can use it for good superhero styles.

Have an amazing week! 

Love and big hugs and I am here if you need me. 

Michelle x


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