A day in the life of an empath

I feel like I want to write about being an empath, in particular a day in the life of an empath. Sometimes when I need some inspiration about what I want to write about I have a few tools that I can tap into to find out where my emotions are. Today my emotions are feeling disappointment and feeling like a victim. It didn’t really resonate with me. When this happens I muscle test to see if this is mine or if it is someone else's and today it was someone else's. 

As empaths and if you are one you would resonate with this deeply is that you can absorb other people’s emotions and they feel like your own. It’s why it is so important to do our own work on the daily and to check in with where we are at. 

In no way is it our responsibility to take this on. By us absorbing it and taking it on just means that now two people are feeling the same low vibe emotions that are dragging us both down. Holding onto these emotions are only going to help the other person if...

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