The last full moon was definitely a cracker..! Being an empath and sensitive soul I feel the moon changes deeply. My body, mind and soul move with the moons. I am also a Scorpio as was the full moon. I am no stranger to feeling the deep and intense life changing emotions so I felt like this full moon was nothing new to me. Not to take away the fact that it was a highly emotional time looking at old beliefs and patterns that I was ready to be clear of…! I think I have got to a point where I am ok with releasing those deep emotions. It’s a part of who I am and it’s a part of my healing.
When we are going through a transformation and changes our fear thoughts are dialled up high in an attempt for our egos to keep us safe. Quite ironic when one of the messages for me over that week leading up to the full moon to stop playing small and safe. Stop dulling your sparkle just to fit in and make it comfortable for everyone else. I wasn’t doing myself any favours and I sure as well wasn’t showing up in my full light and expression for the ones that I love. That’s not who I want to be.
The themes and beliefs that I was grappling with in the lead up to the full moon was where have I been depleting my energy, how do put my boundaries in so that I am filling up my cup so I can then give to others from my overflow. What is it that I really fear if I have to get to the point of depletion?
For me it was if I shine too bright then I will lose the ones I love. This was showing up from past lives that I had when I had healing abilities to share yet was condemned and labeled as a witch and I literally feared for my life. I wasn’t allowed the luxury of helping and healing others. It meant that I was taking the power away from others that wanted to control people with fear not love.
Through my journaling I realized that I had to reframe this belief and change it into what I want my reality to be. Replacing the fear thoughts with ways of showing up in the world with love.
So for me my first belief as an affirmation would be:
If I shine my light and show up then I am going to lose the ones that I love
I have reframed it to:
When I show up in my light and in all my amazingness, those that I love and care about the most love me even more. They benefit when I am being my true self.
I know that I am my best version of myself when I am strong and healthy and going to the gym, eating well, relaxing and also showing up in service to my soul purpose.
Here are five simple tips for not letting fear control you:
Being controlled by fear comes from listening to your ego and your fear thoughts and showing up with love comes from listening to your heart. When you follow your heart and your intuition you are never steered wrong. When we get quiet, now being the perfect time to get quiet with everything slowed down you may notice more of those fear thoughts coming up.
Just use the steps above to work through the fears. You've got this.
If you need a bit of help in working through the emotions and fears I am here for you. If you would like to book an appointment with me click here.
I can't wait to help you.
Michelle x
Originally written 22 May 2019
50% Complete
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