Sometimes love just isn't enough

I have been learning a lot over the eclipse season about relationships and masculine and feminine energy. It has been such a deep dive into knowing myself, my value, how I have shown up in my relationships in the past, how I see myself and what I want in a relationship and how I will show up differently in my next relationship, what it means to be safe, supported and loved in a relationship. It has been huge and I am so grateful for it and the teachers that have shown up that have beautifully held space for me and brought me healing and awareness in a safe and nurturing space. It has helped me to heal and open my heart. 

Over the weekend in the space of 24 hours I had conversations with four other women including myself that had either experienced or were experiencing the same thing. So if this is what is happening for all of us I felt that it needed to be written about.

The women I work with and my friends are all women that are ‘doing the work’. What does doing...

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