When was the last time you asked for help?

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2023

Women’s strength doesn’t have to come from doing everything themselves. 

How often do we just put our heads down and bums up and just keep doing the thing that we know needs to get done. Sometimes it feels like it won’t be done as well if we ask someone else to do a task or it will take just as long explaining to someone else how it is done that you may as well just do it yourself. 

How often do you find yourself doing this?

I know how exhausting this all can be. I know how resentful we can become when we are holding on so tightly to this version of ourselves that wants to do a good job, be a good girl or a good wife and mum that we just do all the things. 

Why can’t other people just know what to do and just do it?

What if we just loosen the grip on the reins a bit and allow others to help us. What if people helping us doesn’t have to look perfect as long as the job gets done?

What if you allowed other people to just do it. 

How would that feel?

Your strength doesn’t necessarily have to come in the form of doing it all yourself for the sake of pleasing others. 

Your strength can come from asking for help.

So what stops you? Why are you avoiding asking someone for help?

Do you think that you are being a burden or that you will be rejected and they will say no?

Seriously, how many times have you helped other people and you haven’t batted an eyelid? You felt like you were doing a good thing by helping a friend and in turn it made you feel good. 

Are you robbing your friends and family of this joy and the opportunity to be able to give back to you?

You don’t have to do everything alone. 

So right now I want you to think of all the ways that you might be able to outsource this week whether it’s in your personal life, work or business. 

Do you feel brave enough to ask for help or outsource some tasks to lighten your load this week?

Think about what this would mean for you. Freeing up some time to come back to you and love yourself. It could mean less decision fatigue, more energy to do the things that you would love to do or saying no to the things that you feel obligated to do rather than the things that light you the fuck up. 

Gosh that feels so much lighter already.

It’s ok to admit that you aren’t superwoman. In fact no-one wants you to be superwoman. They just want you to be your glowing, happy authentic self. Disclaimer if there are people in your life that aren’t celebrating that version of you then it’s time to do a bit of a relationship audit, but that is a whole other blog. 

Women thrive from being in community with each other and sharing resources and supporting each other. 

Make sure you have your community and support system around you and you will thrive too.

When you open yourself up to the possibilities of being helped your whole world will open up. It will expand your energy and you will feel so proud of yourself for asking for help. 

Dig deep, let your guard down and use your voice to ask for that help.

You won’t regret it. 

Michelle x


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