Let’s be honest I had to dig deep to make the decision not to go to Queensland for the program I enrolled in called Take to the Stage. I just thought it was an old belief pattern and anxiety coming up about talking on stage in front of people. I spoke to friends and got their perspective. It took three weeks of sleepless nights before it got too much and I got still and quiet and checked in with myself to see what it was really about.
It wasn’t about getting up on stage and talking in front of a crowd, it was about physically going to Queensland. I have talked a little bit about my Dad who had Dementia and was one of the reasons I wanted to move back to South Australia so I could support mum to care for Dad. It has been a challenging few years. I had managed to transfer Dad from an aged care facility in Adelaide to Mount Gambier so he could be around his family. How we got to this point is an amazing story that I will share with you soon.
I was due to go to Queensland on the 8th June and speak on the 10th June. I was talking about the importance of developing and listening to your intuition. I am grateful that I got Dad back to Mount Gambier because we got to be by his side when sadly he passed on 26th May. I know that if that trip was to go ahead I would have been beside myself, not being able to be with my family but also leaving so soon after he passed and then of course his funeral.
I am so glad that I eventually checked in with myself and asked more questions because once again it was right and saved me from a whole lot of stress that quite frankly I didn’t need. I feel like there have been some big lessons this year about listening to my intuition. Last week I spoke about the caravan. It would not have happened if I followed my intuition and the signs around me and trusted them. I spoke about my car accident. It would not have happened if I listened to my intuition and didn’t go to Millicent that day to go for a swim and just stayed home.
I can tell you why I hadn’t been listening to my intuition. I had let my health slip. There are things that I know I need to do to keep me well with good food, exercise, supplements and self-care routines and rituals. My energy was super low and I went into an energetic slump. I wasn’t thinking clearly and I wasn’t priortising myself. I don’t recommend it. It’s so important to look after yourself.
I am now getting back on track with all the things that make me feel good. I want to dial the volume up on my intuition as I have some big goals this year. One of them is to speak on stage at She Speaks on the Gold Coast in September 2024. I am super excited for it.
So if you need to make a decision, I encourage you to find some stillness to sit with yourself and tune into the answers you have inside of you and trust them. Don’t do what I did twice this year and have it be a head fuck for most of the year. I don’t want that for you and I am sure you don’t want that for you either.
Michelle x
PS. If you would like some free and low cost resources to help you 'make it happen' check out below.
Make a Decision YouTube Video
Make a Decision Meditation
Make it Happen Workbook
50% Complete
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