Have you relaxed yet…? I know I have...!

I have realised that I have been working way too hard. Yep that's what caused me to fall in a heap. My mind has been saying to me but you haven’t really done much at all. Ummm ok. It’s not true but I listened to my ego and I worked harder. 

Last week I talked about the need to relax in the face of burnout. This week I want to report back and really just reiterate how good it is to give yourself time to relax, chill and spend time with the ones you love. 

I personally don’t want to get back to the stage that I was last week feeling like my body was completely run down with no energy. Most likely with adrenal fatigue. I don’t recommend it. 

That’s my sign to get back on track by filling my body with fruit and vegetables, get out in nature, get some fresh air and move my body. 

This week I have gone back to basics. I have created a menu plan that’s full of all the good fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs that I know my body thrives...

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