Have you relaxed yet…? I know I have...!

I have realised that I have been working way too hard. Yep that's what caused me to fall in a heap. My mind has been saying to me but you haven’t really done much at all. Ummm ok. It’s not true but I listened to my ego and I worked harder. 

Last week I talked about the need to relax in the face of burnout. This week I want to report back and really just reiterate how good it is to give yourself time to relax, chill and spend time with the ones you love. 

I personally don’t want to get back to the stage that I was last week feeling like my body was completely run down with no energy. Most likely with adrenal fatigue. I don’t recommend it. 

That’s my sign to get back on track by filling my body with fruit and vegetables, get out in nature, get some fresh air and move my body. 

This week I have gone back to basics. I have created a menu plan that’s full of all the good fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs that I know my body thrives on. I have been getting out because the weather is so much nicer. 

I even went for a dip in the ocean and it was REALLY cold yet invigorating. It lit my body up, I have gone on beach walks and headed to the botanical gardens for a stroll. 

I feel like I am ready to get back into my boxing classes. I can’t wait, it's my happy place. 

Another thing I have noticed this week and it’s not new to me but it’s a reminder that I love being in the kitchen cooking healthy food. I have spent too long doing what’s convenient and not what makes me feel good. I got back to my other happy place and made some zucchini + lentil stew, broccoli soup with sage oil and garlic tahini sauce, some nut + seed bread as well as my regular morning smoothie.

I have noticed such a difference with eating all the good things, how much happier I feel and the more energy I have and that’s just in two days. I know it’s not rocket science and it makes complete and total sense, but it is a pattern I regularly slip into.

It’s nice knowing that I have all the tools I need to keep coming back to so I can feel good in my body, mind and spirit. I feel that there have been different stages of me going in and out of eating healthy. I know it’s a cycle and each time I come back stronger. Last cycle it was really about getting my mindset right and this time I feel that it’s more about loving my body and filling it with foods that help me to thrive.

I have some big goals that I want to reach by the end of the year in my biz and I can’t do that by feeling crap. I need the energy and feeling happy which will help my mindset to achieve all that I want to achieve. 

For the last 5 years I have also been learning about money mindset and I find that people say that when they relax and do something fun that’s when their financial abundance comes in. 

It really is being in that good space energetically, mentally and emotionally. It’s that saying I love from Wayne Dyer ‘if you can believe it you can see it’. 

I believe I can:

  • Feel good again in my body
  • Regain my body confidence
  • Get my body to do all things at an optimal level
  • Own my dream car
  • Buy a house
  • Create the financial abundance that I desire
  • Be loved with an open heart

From the big picture perspective we work in cycles. There are times for inspired action, there are times for relaxing, there are times to gather what you need and there are times to just have fun. 

You can’t just throw yourself into one part of the cycle because it means that you end up out of alignment with what you want to create and achieve. Too much of a good thing can put us out of balance and make us tired and sick. 

So right now I want to do all the things that make me feel good so I can achieve all the good things in my life. 

That’s not how I want to live my life. Do you?

Love you all!

Michelle x


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