When you are in the thick of it...

In the last few months I have been through quite a lot. Some I have shared on my Facebook Page. I know that all of it is part of my soul’s evolution and growth and my intuition has been such a comforting guide through it all. 

Sometimes when you are in the middle of chaos, your nervous system is fried, you are full of emotions and sometimes fear, more often than not you can’t see past your own nose. You can’t see a way out, you can’t see how things can get better and all you can feel is the hurt and the pain. 

I have been lucky enough to follow the path of healing that I have and dived deep into a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. I have released layer upon layer upon layer of emotions and experiences that I was holding onto. Each time we remove a layer we elevate our energy and our consciousness. Every time I did this I became more connected with myself, more self aware and more attentive to my own needs and what makes me thrive. Each time of working through the hard emotions and releasing them, forgiving myself for ways that I have conducted myself in my lifetime, learning to see myself with eyes of love rather than judgement and hate has made me more resilient. It’s given me tools to use for life so when things do get tough and I am in the thick of it and makes it that bit easier to manage and get through.

We all go through cycles of hardship and pure joy. It’s important that we continuously do the healing work to make it easier for ourselves but also to show ourselves love and know that we deserve all the healing we ask for. There is an infinite source of divine love and healing that never runs out. 

We did not come to Earth to suffer, so many of us choose to suffer. So many of us choose to take the easy option that brings pain and suffering rather than the hard road and effort that brings us happiness and joy. Most of the time we are prisoners of our mind. Unless we have read anything to do with mindset we can be trapped by the fears of our ego and the beliefs we have in our minds.

What I love about doing the internal work is it opens me up to the magic of the universe. In a time where so many things are unravelling in the world and in particular Australia, we need MORE MAGIC and our connection to spirit and intuition…! 

I want to share with you the magic of my own alignment with you.

This morning I shared on my socials a beautiful plant medicine blend I made for one of my clients. I had a follow on instagram from another lightworker and I decided to look at her page. This is in the middle of writing this blog. I kid you not this is the image I saw…

Exactly what this blog is about…

Not only did it confirm the message that I was channelling in for you all today, it had a personal message. If you have watched my videos you may have seen the white patches on my hands, which are also all over my body. I visited my favourite shop one day in Adelaide - Carpe Diem with Remi. A gorgeous lady that works there pointed out my white patches and told me how her mother in law had the same thing and that it meant I wasn’t feeling at home in my body. This reflected in my outer world at the time and not feeling at home in my house. This stuck with me. I have also asked the angels to bring me all the information on how to heal my vitiligo. 

I continued on to read the post that displayed the book “You were not born to suffer”. The post talked about not feeling at home in your body and being present in the moment. It is safe to say that I bought the book so I could read up about how I can be more in my body and another way to heal my relationship with my body and to clear the vitiligo.

I was drawn to another post that is about the Blue Full Moon which I will also share below. The words “liberate ourselves from oppression and from internalised conditioning that is preventing us from being true to ourselves” which is the exact theme that I have channelled for an upcoming Cacao Ceremony that I will be holding in Mount Gambier. 

In those moments I felt so supported by my team in spirit and it feels magic. Yet so many times we feel that we have to do this life alone. I have ALWAYS had the support of spirit with me since birth. I couldn’t imagine closing this part of me off. I don’t think that I could have gotten through some areas of my life without this connection. Being able to share this with you so you can connect with spirit, so that you feel supported and you can feel the love that they have for you so that you don’t have to suffer is what I am here to do. 

I started out in my spiritual journey using energy rituals and meditation. Having a continuous practice of this my empathic skills heightened, my connection to spirit heightened and my intuition grew stronger. 

I am here to support you in your spiritual journey which excites me so much!! 

Make sure you're signed up to the email list so you can hear first hand about how I can support you with some low cost offerings during this weird transition time in the world.

It's more important than ever to be healthy in body mind and soul. 

I love you all and I am here if you need me!

Michelle x


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