Are you ready to look at the truth...?

After some reflection on my life and the lessons that I have learned I really want to talk about truth. We all see life from our own perceptions and lenses based on the experiences that we have. We can also put out our own projections on what we think the reality is of a situation even when that might not be the truth. 

The definition of truth is the true or actual state of the matter. The definition of true is being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false.

So where do we get out of alignment with the truth? Is it when our reality is a certain way and we want it to be another way? What makes us not want to look at the truth? Is it because it’s so hurtful and not what we want to hear? 

I know that in the many situations where I have felt out of flow with life it is because I haven’t wanted to look at the truth of my reality. It’s not a fun space to be in but I know that those times were there to teach me. On a practical and physical level of doing life I would be faced with situations that were unpleasant and felt like a struggle. I would often question why something was happening which I could have been asking to see the truth in the situation. 

This is where my life changing moments have happened. Without seeing the truth you can’t make an informed decision about what’s best for you. Without it I feel that I was in survival mode. Always trying to make sense of things with my rational, logical, ego brain. 

It was when I had the courage to ask my guides and angels to lift the veil of illusion and to reveal the truth to me was where the healing began and I was able to make better decisions for my greatest good. 

When I would finally see the truth in the matter it would hurt. But it also felt like freedom. It felt like clarity. It felt like I could breathe. It felt like I could step out of trying to figure something out with my brain and it dropped me into my heart. It was where I could process the information I was given and was able to start to heal.

So getting back to the question of when do we get out of alignment with the truth and is it because our reality is a certain way and we want it to be another way? Is that what the illusion is? We aren’t really seeing it for what it is because we aren’t being truthful to ourselves? Is this when we slip into our comfort zone? 

I know what happens for me when my reality doesn’t match what I want to create and I slip into a comfort zone of accepting what is in front of me, that it’s what I want, I numb. I suppress my emotions, I people please, I try to make the best of the situation, I try to make it better. I can guarantee that none of those things create the reality I want and that fills me with joy and happiness. 

There is a time that your life comes to a tipping point where your comfort zone is no longer comfortable. Situations start to get worse. The universe nudges you to wake up. It makes you so uncomfortable you can no longer ignore what’s going on. You can either see it as a sign and wake up and change or you can sit in the really uncomfortable shit show and become the victim to your circumstances. 

Whatever fear comes up for you in those calls to change is never as bad as you think it is. I can however say that sitting in that uncomfortable shit show is way worse. In some ways you are just prolonging the inevitable. You are also putting off your joy and happiness. 

So if you are in a situation that is dragging you down, draining your energy and sucking the joy out of life. I encourage you to be brave and ask to see the truth in the situation. Ask that the veil of illusions be lifted from your life so that you can see the truth. Watch it all unfold, see situations change and the truth surface. You will know it and feel it when you see it and hear it. It’s an all body knowing. Give yourself that gift so that you can clear out what’s not serving you and you can create the space to bring in what lights you up and brings you joy. 

I would love that for you.

I would love that for all of us. 

Michelle x


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