Are you exhausted as I am...?

burnout Sep 29, 2020

Ok please don’t do what I’ve done….! 

I have been talking to you all on the socials for what feels like forever about making sure you take the time to rest. Allow your days to flow and surrender and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves to not push too hard as it means you are well in your masculine energy and need to sink back into the feminine. 

Well my friends I have slipped into too much of the masculine. I had all the signs that I was doing too much and that I needed to chill, relax and have some fun.

Did I listen? Short answer! No…

Do I regret it? Yes…! 

I bought some gorgeous Angels in Biz cards from Emily Aarons and I got a card that basically told me to stop, drop and relax otherwise I was going to get sick. Then I would have to stop. 

Again I ignored the signs.

Guess what? I am feeling a bit burnt out.

Part of me thinks it is because of stress and throwing myself into my biz because I am just so excited and I...

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