what to do when you are feeling really heavy energetically…

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

That’s where we are at right now in the world and it is heavy. People are tired, amped, stressed, in fight or flight, scared, irritable, wounded, unhappy and uncertain of the future. 

What do you do when you feel like this? 

Do you realise that we are all connected by energy? 

We are all just vibrating at different levels and sometimes that can affect you if you are vibrating at a different level?

Do you just put up with it and cope as if it’s a normal part of life?

Do you numb it with food, alcohol, drugs, sex or risky behaviours?

Do you lash out at others because you can’t hold or process your pain?

Let’s be honest. It’s something that we all do to some extent but the shame and pride stops us from sharing it with others. For the fear of judgement and rejection. For the fear of feeling that very emotion that we are trying to numb or as a way to make us feel better.

What if the energy wasn’t heavy? What if instead of numbing we reached for the tools that we had readily available to us? What if we processed and healed all the emotions and feelings so that they no longer affected us and the world no longer felt heavy? What if that meant we could then show up for each other with unconditional love? 

Would we all feel comfortable to heal the deepest darkest parts of ourselves or even just show acceptance to it and it’s there to teach us something? Where do we shift back into love and light? 

Why is going about our day to day in a boring job for little money, living week to week, hanging out for the weekend for some reprieve on the mentally and physically draining week we’ve had just to relax is living your best life?

I call bullshit. 

What does living your best life look like? I bet it’s not what I just described. 

What has to crumble and fall for you to step into living your best life?

What’s no longer working that you need to remove from your life?

Is it the job, partner, living space, habits, thoughts or conversations that need to change so that you can live a more aligned life?

In the middle of chaos and uncertainty YOU have choice. I get to make choices aligned to your values. You get to make the choice to follow your heart. Your heart is where the truth emanates from. Listen to it. If you follow your heart, have faith that there is a higher power that is always looking out for you for your highest good and loves you unconditionally then you will always be safe and loved.

If you are struggling right now I am here for you and I got you. 

I am here to connect you with your guides, angels and ancestors that love you unconditionally. 

Use the questions above to question why you might be feeling so heavy right now. Journal them out. See what comes up for you. It may give you some awareness on what you might like to change in your world.

If you need help I have some offerings below so that we can connect to give you healing, guidance and clarity. 

Love Michelle x


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