How to start a revolution

Uncategorized May 09, 2022

 When I was young I used to hang around all of the change makers. For me it was through the Youth Advisory Committee for the local Council, being a youth advisor to the Minister for Youth, working for a youth policy and advocacy body and last but not least Youth Parliament. Those days certainly shaped who I became as an adult and where my values and interests were and still are. I used to have great conversations with the friends I made about how we would start a revolution, take over the world and what we would change to make it better and more inclusive for everyone. 

Since coming full circle and back to living in Mount Gambier, South Australia where it all started it has given me such a new perspective but such a reflection on what I have done and what I have learned. I know that my two biggest values are acceptance and belonging. Just writing that now gives me a brain explosion and the huge synchronicities that are happening for me right now in my own personal revolution. Oh the irony. You will see as you keep reading. 

As I sit here trying to process all the awareness and experiences that I have, I have new awareness and synchronicities that makes me realise how in flow and in alignment I am with myself, my life, my biz and the people around me. It makes me dizzy, giddy and excited. 

Want to know what got me here, to this very moment right now feeling excited and in alignment? I did my latest meditation. I was guided intuitively and well nudged to do this topic because it wasn’t the one that I was going to focus on but of course it was perfect. It was the theme of acceptance. Ooft is this a big one. I have had some big changes in the last nine months. HUGE internally and externally. You will have to join me in the Empowered Woman Meditation Library to see the awareness and healing that I have done in the area of acceptance. 

I had the realisation this morning that if you want to start a revolution it starts inside us. It starts from doing the inner work and then the outer world reflects your inner world. The only people that we can change are ourselves. Whether it is our beliefs, behavioural patterns, what we speak into existence and our actions, that is what creates change and a ripple effect out into the world. 

If you want to stop hurting from not being accepted by other people then you need to accept yourself. The external world is a reflection of our inner world. In the last few days when I have connected with myself and did the acceptance meditation twice I have had some huge realisations that when I wasn’t accepting myself it showed up in my romantic relationship for a long time. Since I have shifted my own perspective of myself and have become more accepting of who I am, my outer world and experiences have shifted as well. I find that so powerful. It really allows me to embody the healing and transformation that I can teach the beautiful women and children I am here to support. 

I start my week off with pulling a chakra card from lovely Kerry Rowett’s Align + Attract Program and set an intention of what I want to align with. You won’t believe what cards I pulled. Perspective and Self-Acceptance. OK well I can believe it. I journaled on the questions for each card that led me to doing an awareness on what I specifically needed to look at from the experiences in my life. Then that led me to working through my gene keys where amazingly one of my spheres in my Love Pathway is none other than Acceptance…! You couldn’t make this shit up honestly. I have been following the energy and absorbing the information for my healing so that I can continue to create my own personal revolution because I know that the shifts it creates in the physical world. 

Since I started my life journey in Mount Gambier and wanting to start a revolution with my friends in my 20's, to now come back in my 40's with the realisation that the revolution starts with me and the internal work that I do I feel is huge. Life hey!!! 

If we all worked on creating a revolution for ourselves imagine how the world would change. I am so excited to see what these new uncoverings lead to in the physical. Watch this space. 

We all deserve to love and accept ourselves fully. 

Michelle x


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