Black Friday Sales + Thanksgiving

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2020

I love the tradition of practicing thanks and if you have been here awhile I love talking about gratitude. I wondered why Australia hadn't taken on the tradition of thanksgiving. Let's be honest I think this excites me more than Christmas. 

Australia has taken on other traditions and celebrations such as Halloween and Black Friday Sales. Black Friday originated from the US when the stock market crashed. It meant that stores would be in the red (debt) and the Thanksgiving sales would put them back in the black (making a profit). 

With the two traditions so closely related and Australia has only adopted one of them surprises me. If we can have Black Friday sales, then we can have Thanksgiving as well. 

I would love to hear your stories of gratitude right now. I need some feel good vibes to lift my vibe. It's been a tough year, as I am sure it has for a lot of people. It's made us question what we are doing with our lives and if we are on the right track to getting to where we want to go. Most importantly on track to creating our own happiness. 

I know for me at the start of this year I was heading down one path and it was like I was picked up and put back on the right path again. The one that my soul was calling me to do. The one I had been avoiding for a couple of years now. Except this time I felt I was coming back stronger and more ready than ever. 

The inspiration and creativity that came from being put back on my path was awesome and that's what I am grateful for. I have rebuilt my website to incorporate women, children and families which is my passion, I rebranded Happy Girls into Confident Kids so that I could reach boys and girls, I upgraded my laptop, I have almost finished the e-courses that I have had sitting in my head for a long time now and seeing them come to life to help women, children and families excites me. 

So for the time and space 2020 has given me I am really grateful and it would be amazing if we had a day in November to reflect on the year that has been and think about all the things that we have to be grateful for. What do you think?

Another thing that I want to express my gratitude for is all of you that have been following my journey with Butterfly Heart Spiritual Healing. Those of you that have either had a healing + reading from me, attended my meditations in person and online, bought any products or services in 2020, you are what keeps me here. I love being able to bring through your spirit team and support you energetically and emotionally when times get tough. Even typing that makes my heart expand and I get emotional thinking about being there for you all. 

All that I do in my business is for all of you. My life is one big lesson and the things I learn along the way I then teach you. I am your angel friend that gives you directions to the shortcuts in life. I want you to feel free, happy and confident to live and love the life you choose. 

I can’t wait to see what 2021 brings and I am here for you whenever you need me.

Michelle x


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